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Bonfire Night



Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is celebrated on November 5th in the United Kingdom, marking the thwarting of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. It commemorates the failed attempt to blow up the House of Parliament in London by Guy Fawkes and his accomplices. Originally, it was a compulsory celebration following the Observance of November 5th Act, but today, it is a night of revelry with bonfires and fireworks. Traditionally associated with toffee apples, treacle toffee, black peas, and parkin, it is a time for community gatherings, family entertainment, and special food and drinks. The occasion has historical roots in sectarian struggles, but in modern times, it is more about festive enjoyment, although effigies of Guy Fawkes are still burned on the fire. The celebrations are held throughout the UK, with some commercially driven events timed to maximise attendance.

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